Allergic to AirPod Pro Eartips? Here’s What To Do!

Scratching your ears because of silicone allergies? Here’s what to do if you’re allergic to AirPod Pro Eartips.

With the gradual increasing relevance of the demands and technology in this digital age, we’re a society that’s slowly moving away from wires. Wireless earphones, speakers, and even keyboards have become commonplace and in great demand.

While it’s true that Bluetooth earphones are a game-changer, unfortunately people who are allergic to the material of AirPods can’t relish in this happiness.

In this article, we’ll be going over a list of steps and alternatives that you can use to mitigate the allergic reaction as much as possible. So without further ado, if you’re allergic to AirPod Pro eartips, here’s what to do.

Let’s get started!


1. Disinfect Your Airpods.

Before we go into much more extreme methods, simply disinfecting your AirPods can go a long way for the right people. Even if you’re having allergic reactions, we can still hope that it’s due to the bacteria on your eartips.

You can pick up a little cotton ball or rag and douse it in alcohol. Alternatively, a q-tip would also do a great job at cleaning the smaller crevices of your AirPods. Be careful about making your cleaning material too wet though, AirPods are water-resistant but not waterproof.

For better coverage, try to remove the silicone tips so you can clear all the surfaces of your AirPods. Leave these out to quickly dry in the sun or under a UV light if you have that readily available. Test one AirPod on your ear but don’t leave it on for too long. We only want to see if the AirPods still trigger the slightest bit of an allergic reaction and not cause a bigger problem.


2. Put On The Right Fit.

Having the right-sized AirPods can save you a lot of irritation and problems. Wearing a size too small or too big can cause irritations on your skin that result from friction. You may not necessarily be having an allergic reaction, just a really loose pair of earphones.

airpods pro ear tip fit test not working

AirPods usually come in three ear tip sizes. Try to change your current ear tip size to something either smaller or bigger and see if that fits your ear much better. Don’t forget to disinfect your earbuds first!

An allergic reaction or irritation can cause the same looking skin rash on your ears. In fact, extreme cases of irritation can even cause pimples, acne, or pus to come out. Try a different size of eartips for a while, just to see if you do have a problem with the sizing.


3. AirPods And Silicone.

For those of you who have never been allergic to silicone before but are getting allergies from the AirPods, you’re not alone. In fact, there’s probably a lot more things in the AirPods, including the metal and arm, that isn’t just normal silicone.

While Apple does display a list of the materials used in the AirPods, a lot of us feel that it’s incomplete. According to the website, AirPods have nickel, plastic, silicone, stainless steel, thermoplastic elastomer, acrylates, and more.

If you’ve never had an allergic reaction to any of these materials, don’t worry, you share the sentiment of other AirPods users as well. In fact, some threads even have over a thousand ‘I have this question too’ entries.

Something More Than Silicone.

With Bluetooth earphones being in the market for more than a couple of years now, we wouldn’t be surprised if AirPods weren’t your first set of Bluetooth earphones. In that case, why are you getting an allergic reaction now after all these years?

allergic to airpod pro eartips

A multitude of other Apple users share the same dilemma that you’re facing. Furthermore, some Apple users have even gotten allergic reactions from the arm of the AirPod and not just from the silicone eartips.

To be honest, even we don’t even know if the silicone material is to blame for this widespread allergic reaction. You can contact Apple’s customer support representatives if you want to give them a call, but this has been tried by other users as well without any relevant results.


4. Purchase Non-Silicone Third-Party Tips.

After reading all the methods above, the next best thing that you can try to do is to look for another set of eartips. Ideally, this will have to be from a third-party seller since they will be made of different materials from Apple’s AirPods.

We recommend getting foam tips, but it’s ultimately up to you. What’s important is that you find something comfortable and less allergy-prone. Unfortunately, we won’t be endorsing any products here since we understand that allergies can be a serious health risk.

allergic to airpod pro eartips

Before you look for another ear tip, try to perform a quick test with the AirPod Pro’s arm. Unfortunately, being allergic to AirPod Pro eartips isn’t the only thing you have to worry about. Other users have experienced allergic reactions even to the arm of the AirPod Pro.

Try brushing this across your arm or any other skin surface that you’re comfortable with, to see if that triggers an allergic reaction. Be gentle with this process since the last thing we want is an entire rash running across your forearm.

If you have an allergic reaction even from the AirPod Pro arms, you may have to proceed to the next and last method instead of trying to buy another set of eartips.


5. Return Your AirPods.

Although it’s unfortunate, returning your AirPods is something you need to come to terms with. If you’re allergic to either the AirPod Pro eartips or the arm itself, getting a new set of eartips is probably the next best thing you can do to fix this problem.

However, even then, we can’t guarantee that this will completely get rid of the allergies. In light of that, there are still a lot of alternative Bluetooth earphones that you can get on the market. While the AIrPod Pro might definitely be a great investment, you might have to deposit that money elsewhere.

allergic to airpod pro eartips

Feel free to look through Apple’s warranty or contact their support team to see if you can still return your AirPods for a full refund. You can also have your AirPod Pro checked in a nearby Apple Store, just don’t forget to wear a mask.

That sum up this article, we hope to have helped your problem of being allergic to AirPod Pro eartips. If you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment in the comment section down below.

If this guide helped you, please share it. 🙂


  • Mako is a staff writer at Saint. He's been writing about tech for more than a decade. When he isn't reading about the latest news on Apple, he's busy studying cybersecurity, cryptocurrency, cloud computing, and other IT-related sectors. His exceptional work graces technology and Apple-related blogs like How-To Geek,, Macgasm, onMac, PhotoWorkout, GameRant, and many more. He also has a Bachelors in Computer Science and has been writing since 2018, with over 400 posts published. LinkedIn X (Twitter)

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